ECOC 2020 Virtual Exhibition & Product Focus
Date: 2020-12-14Number: 3297SONT Technology will bring the lastest data center solutions and wireless access network solutions to participate in ECOC 2020 Virtual Exhibition.
In the ECOC Virtual Booth, we will introduce our data center solutions and 5G network solutions. Click the hotpoint of posters, you can watch our video of company profile, optical engine package and optical transceiver production. For the details of our products, we provide the dowmload service of our product catalog.
As one of the fastest growing optical transceiver manufacturers in the world, we will have our first Product Focus Live Presentation. This presentation provides an overview on various options for connecting 5G fronthaul networks. The topic is specifically focused on types of WDM technology based solutions. Pros and Cons of managed and unmanaged fronthaul connections are also compared. Values of solutions that SONT Technologies offers to carrier customers are presented.
We are looking forward to see you at our virtual booth and watch our live presentation!