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Start singing - 2018 New Year's induction training of Xunte communication ∙ sequel

Date: 2019-06-27Number: 2059

The morning exercise is still continuing. In the face of the rising sun, and with the singing, the young cute newcomers of Xunte started the second stage of induction training.

General manager introduces the company and corporate culture

The training at this stage was kicked off by the speech of general manager Sun ding on company introduction and corporate culture. During the training process, general manager Sun placed high hopes on the new graduates and encouraged them to develop a good habit of lifelong learning, be proactive and down-to-earth, and face the difficulties in the future workplace with a good attitude.

Comprehensive training

In order to enable Xiaomeng newcomers to understand the industry and adapt to the workplace more quickly, a series of colorful courses and trainings have been launched in succession, including not only professional optical module knowledge training and system training, but also workplace practical skills training such as communication skills and PPT skills. It is believed that through these basic trainings, Xiaomeng newcomers have been ready to formally enter the post.

Optical module product training


Administrative system training

In addition to theoretical sharing, the company also set up technical practice courses. After all-round theoretical training, the new students came to the production workshop and began their production line practice. After the tense production line internship, a strict job certificate examination and theoretical examination made xiaomengxin realize that the pursuit of excellence is not an empty word!

Production line practice


Course investigation

In addition to the intensive daily training, the human resources department also arranged a variety of expansion activities. For example, in the morning exercises, the "me in your eyes", "seven activities, one experience", badminton competitions, and so on, every young girl burst out with amazing strength, twisted the individual and team into a rope, and successfully completed the tasks and tests.

The happy learning time always passes quickly. On July 27, the graduation ceremony of the 2018 new students was held in Nanchang base. Zheng Bo, the chairman of the company, Wang mengping, the director of human resources department, Zhou Biyun, the director of general affairs department, Liu Yan, the director of supply chain management Department, and Li Xiaoli, the deputy director of procurement department attended the ceremony.

Throughout the training over the past half month, Wang mengping, director of human resources department, summarized this at the ceremony and gave a high evaluation on the performance of the fresh students during the whole training period. At the same time, he also put forward some suggestions for improvement to the fresh students in view of some problems exposed in the training process.

Training summary

Training summary

With the wisdom and strength of the team, the excellent students and excellent teams of this year were born on the basis of the joint efforts of the team, the group points and the Democratic selection results. The winning teams or individuals all showed their initiative and courage to take responsibility in the training, winning glory for themselves and contributing their value to the team. It is believed that in the near future, they will also be the backbone of the new generation and shine for the company!

Excellent team


Excellent student

The birth of excellent students can not be separated from the hard work of the tutors. In the past year, the tutors are like gardeners, teaching new people with heart. They are also like chivalrous men, turning their specialties into weapons, teaching their unique secret skills to their partners, and truly achieving self-improvement. At the graduation ceremony, President Zheng also presented awards to the excellent tutors of 2017, thanking them for their contributions to the training of excellent talents.

Excellent tutor

At the end of the graduation ceremony, President Zheng, the chairman of the board, delivered a message on the stage. Focusing on the three important aspects of "choice, persistence and learning", he made suggestions on the future career life of the new graduates in combination with his own career experience.

Choice is the beginning: entering the workplace for the first time means the beginning of a new life journey. It is particularly important to choose a sunrise industry in this period. The increasing proportion of optical communication industry in science and technology applications in recent years also further verifies the potential prospects of industry development.

Learn to persist: life needs breakthroughs. Every breakthrough is based on unremitting persistence. We should believe that what is more painful than failure is regret. As long as we put it into practice, no persistence will be disappointed.

Keep learning: knowledge ≠ ability, ability ≠ experience, experience ≠ wisdom. Only by keeping the habit of lifelong learning can we constantly store and enrich ourselves, which is also a responsibility for ourselves.

"Don't give up and change the course of life easily. The clearest footprints must be printed on the muddy road.". At the same time, Mr. Zheng also expressed the hope that the new students could regard the fast as a common home, settle down and sit down in the next life, take the initiative to learn from the previous employees of the company and set out for a better self.


Chairman message

I believe that I am myself,

I believe tomorrow,

I believe that youth has no horizon

… …

With the passionate singing, the second phase of the induction training for the 2018 freshmen came to a successful conclusion. Some new students will embark on a new journey with enthusiasm and begin to enter their jobs! And another group of young people will also carry out the third stage of product knowledge training. What challenges will they encounter?